Save on your 2020 Direct Mail with our January – March Incentive

Go back 03 Dec 2019

This exciting new incentive assists brands with their direct marketing activities during the post-Christmas period through to Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and approaching into the Easter break. It will also be a great opportunity for brands to directly re-engage with customers and prospects after the General Election.

From 2 January to 28 March 2020 you can send incremental Advertising Mail, Responsible Mail and Partially Addressed Mail volume using our seasonal incentive*.

There are 6 mandatory requirements for entry to January to March Incentive:

  1. For Mailmark Advertising Mail, Responsible & Partially Addressed Letters and Large Letters up to 250g
  2. No postcards (single piece mailers are allowed)
  3. Tray only.  Letters must be submitted in trays to ensure sorting is quick and easy.
  4. Post at least 30,000 incremental items to qualify
  5. This incentive runs from the 2nd January until the 27th March 2020.
  6. Discount is paid as Postage Credits


How do I find out more?

Click here to find out more about the January to March Incentive.


How do I apply?

Download the application form for the January to March Incentive HERE.

You can apply now.  Please complete the relevant application form for the incentive and send to Applications can be submitted until the 13th march 2020.


Terms and Conditions are available HERE.


*Subject to terms and conditions.