The Delivery Group offers comprehensive invoice management, making your life easier and saving you time and money. Our invoice management service allows you to reconcile costs simultaneously over multiple carriers, while also making available copies of individual shipment costs. We keep a detailed archive of prior invoices and costing data, allowing you to easily search and navigate through historic invoices. We also offer the ability to explore the associated costs that can come with different regions and carriers.
The Delivery Group allows you to compare all carrier invoices against the tariffs originally agreed upon. The Delivery Group allows you to compare all carrier invoices against the tariffs originally agreed upon. This can help you to save money by pointing out inconsistencies between the costs, potentially caused by errors or surcharges. Our software allows you to filter your invoice data, with options to search by specific cost lines or dates. Another benefit of an archived online invoice system is that your accounts team will have instant and secure access to all information, saving time that would have been spent chasing up invoices or looking through physical archives.
Out invoice management system will bring a series of key benefits to a business of any size: